

Sustainability of the supply chain

Sustainability is ingrained in our culture, and it serves as a guidepost for how we manage our effect while also contributing to the growth of the communities in which we live and work.

Our global supply chains are managed in accordance with our overarching Sustainability Strategy. We take our responsibilities to our employees, customers, suppliers, and supply chain workers extremely seriously. Our attempts to improve supply chain sustainability focus on three areas: risk management and compliance throughout our supply chains, increasing sustainability performance, and cooperating with customers and industry partners - all with the goal of developing better supply chains.

We recognise that our company has the potential to affect positive change in our industry. It is crucial to us to improve both working conditions and the livelihoods of workers and their families in our sourcing communities.

We prioritise capacity growth so that our suppliers may better run their factories.

Sustaining transformation in our sector takes time and money. As a leading supply chain and logistics solutions provider, we assist our suppliers in improving industrial working conditions in order to satisfy the ever-changing industry requirements.

Our assessment, technical assistance, and capacity-building efforts are aimed at improving factory management and working conditions. We believe that in order to achieve long-term change in the supply chain, it is critical to assist factories in raising compliance standards and to provide factories with the information and training they need to integrate social and environmental best practises into their day-to-day operations. Building capability across our supplier base aids in raising industry compliance standards.

Process of Supplier Monitoring

Misuvie constantly communicates directly with politicians and participates in a variety of industry consortiums that contribute to the creation of key standards and norms to stay informed of changing industry and regulatory requirements.

Supplier risk assessment at Gobal Clubs begins with our Supplier Code of Conduct. This is our supplier engagement document, and it outlines the minimum standards required for human and labour rights, safety, the environment, and security, as well as transparency and ethics, in accordance with the ILO's Core Conventions, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, the UK Modern Slavery Act, and local laws. As a condition of doing business with us, all suppliers must accept these minimal criteria.

Misuvie, external audit companies approved by us or our clients, or independent industry organisations assess compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. When non-compliance concerns are discovered, the factory is obliged to commit to correcting the problem through a Corrective Action Plan, with varied timetables for resolution ranging from immediately to three or six months, depending on the severity of the problem.

The following sections detail key aspects of our factory interaction, monitoring, and services.

The graphic below depicts the entire risk management cycle:

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